Limbo Odyssey

Mixed RealityIn collaboration with Cleo Zhang & Shuoyu Zhan

In the physical world, all five senses work together to construct our perception of the surrounding environments. However, the virtual realm is primarily dominated by the visual and auditory senses whereas tactile interaction, a crucial element for building a comprehensive cognition, is often overlooked or even absent. Through creating a series of physical interactable components which act as portals to bridge the physical and the virtual realms together, the player exists in both worlds at the same time. Using their body as a device, the player builds and expands the folly into the virtual realm, redefining the physical space’s form and function.
When confronted with ambiguous or insufficient data, our brain tends to fill in gaps based on prior experiences. Departing from this observation, the project explores the domain of visual illusion through tactile interaction. Combining hyper realistic visuals and hand choreographies, an immersive experience was crafted which breaks the physical boundaries and extends spatial reality.

A Heterotopic Life Theatre: MR Sensory Immersion and Deception
1:1 Physical Installation: Choreographic Portals Bridging Between the Physical and Virtual

Vive Base Station Setup
Virtualscape Constellation

Next Project: Scavenger’s Chasm