Past, Present & Eternity

An Experimental Film

This experimental film draws inspiration from experimental film studies such as In Marfa-2015 and Muri Romani II by Jon Jost, my film takes the viewers on a journey through history whilst attempting to immersively explore one of the last Blitz-damaged buildings left in the United Kingdom; seeking to convey the notion of deterioration and decay through meditating the textures and discolorations which mark the architecture. By exploring the notion of time through the use of a single space whilst examining filmic ways of portraying empty spaces and voids through formal similarities found in the arched doorways and windows, which connect the disjointed remains of the building, the piece conveys a place where death and decay are juxtaposed with growth and new beginnings as overgrowing trees, ivy, and wall climbing flowers flourish amongst the ruined arches, forming a poignant living memorial to the horrors of history whilst also voicing the resilience of the City of London which survived it.